Solar Power: Lighting Up Schools

How Chiltern Solar can help your school save money

Your local solar panel installation experts

Fitting solar panels will not only do the earth a favour, but will also save your school a wad of much-needed cash. The impact of harnessing the sun’s energy to help power the school, however, reaches far beyond financial benefits.

As schools up and down the country have discovered, becoming solar champions has kick started a wave of other eco-initiatives, informed subjects across the curriculum and empowered pupils to take responsibility for determining the kind of world they want to live in when they grow up.

Solar Schools is a  programme designed to help schools raise the funds, they provide online and offline resources, training and staff support, to help schools generate their own energy by raising the cost of solar panels from their community. Each school gets a webpage on the Solar Schools website where individual’s donations are represented as virtual solar panels. Solar panels become a reality once the reaches its fundraising target.

Find out more about Solar Schools here .To find out how Chiltern Solar can help design a Solar PV system for your school – CALL 01494 773400



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