What our customer said about Chiltern Solar
Experts in solar panel installation
Chiltern Solar and photo voltaic panels
As a retired Chartered Surveyor, I know that the “man on the tools” is a vital factor in any work. So, for the installation of solar panels on my house, I did not favour a large company with unknown, sub-contractor labour.
The team lead by Steve Gamston of Chiltern Solar gave sound advice and each member (electricians, roofers, scaffolders), specialises in this type of installation. Consequently, the work went like clockwork and was faultless. All cabling was routed through the roof space or externally, so that the inside of the house was not disturbed. (Even my wife, to whom all builders are anathema, was impressed!) There are no moving parts and all major components are covered by long-term guarantees. Although, initially a sceptic, I am now convinced that the installation will operate efficiently for many years to come.
Generation of electricity is well on course to give an estimated 9.5% annual return (tax free, rising with inflation, guaranteed for 25 years)on our investment. (I wish all my pension arrangements were so). During just 25 days, the Chiltern Solar installation has generated 350 kWhs of electricity, which will repay £176, whereas the same investment in Premium Bonds produced one £25 prize about every other month.
In short, I recommend anyone with a roof and wishing to make a safe investment to consider having a solar panel installation by Chiltern Solar. (And, “sooner is better than later” as the government Feed in Tariff is being reviewed again in April 2012)
- Caruth – Buckinghamshire